The Yuletide Narcissist


Once upon a time, a pagan introvert went to a public, indoor water park. This was not the natural water element of choice. She tried to adapt quickly to the public eye, but soon found herself engrossed in her book titled, “Yule.” So far, all was going well. Her oldest son had been captured by a 14 year old teenage girl, whose apparent occupation was, boy collector. She liked to gather boys, give them a dose of her full, exuberant attention, and then ignore them to see how long they followed her around without her speaking to them. Her youngest son had befriended the daughter of our story’s main character, the Yuletide Narcissist.

Beware… for I present to you, the Yuletide Narcissist’s logorrhoea of the mouth:

The theme is “Mine.”

You’ve been warned:


esp US logorrhea

/ (ˌlɒɡəˈrɪə) /


  1. excessive, uncontrollable, or incoherent talkativeness

“This is weird, They want to exchange numbers like they’re dating. She plays Forthright and Robucks, Oh, you limit how much they play? I actually went to medical school to become a doctor, I have a degree in biology, but I ended up being a photographer working for my dad. We have horses. One of them stepped on my daughter’s cell phone when she went outside to feed the horses and forgot that her phone was in her hand when she picked up the straw. We are closing on one house and buying another house. We are really close to the beach. We go to to the beach. So what type of homeschooler are you? Oh, we use this curriculum. We used to use Horizons, now we use “The Good and the Beautiful.” My husband is a real-estate agent. He helps ME with photography when I shoot weddings for my dad. You should just batch edit your images with AI. I kept pressuring a photo editor I found online to get my pictures back to me quickly, since I waited until last minute to shoot them and now it’s your job to deliver them to my clients. My dad learned how to set up cameras to video weddings in our church and I’m his photographer and I shoot newborns. I used to not shoot newborns, because newborns are the hardest thing ever and I have multiple light set up and I decided to shoot newborns because I kept giving my wedding clients to other photographers, who then also shot their 12 month, 1 year, two year, three year children’s photos…all their children’s portraits and so I decided I would need to just do the newborns to get them for the rest of their family photos for life. Oh, and when I finally got my pictures back from the editor after my husband told me to email them and pressure them to provide your product or else, I didn’t like how they looked and I was like, “Nuh uh, I ain’t paying for those. My oldest son is 14 and he’s so calm and good and ever does anything bad. He is standing very straight in my line. My second daughter, I think it’s the even numbered kids that give you a problem, she is contrary. Anything I tell her to do, she does the opposite. She is not in my line at all but I fought to keep her there by shipping her off to public school for three months to teach her a lesson, but she kept getting in trouble there too so I just decided to go on ahead and bring her back homeschooling because at least that works well with my schedule.”

“The introverted pagan was exhausted. The introverted pagan was exhausted.

Oh, was that shared twice? Indeed.

She learned more facts.

The oldest son likes to hunt and loves knives and guns.

Small phone numbers on half a piece of paper post it note at the waterpark was “My very professional business card.”

When her family had dressed in their normal attire and had walked away, their clothing was judged with a scornful, expressionless face. The introverted pagan hoped that the paper would dissolve into the pee-pee, vomit, doo doo water.

She dove back into her hearth and home, desperately needing some cleansing and renewal. As she cleaned her home, she meditated over this encounter. She had a few thoughts:

“The homeschooling community is vast, varied and not a collective unit.

Many children of homeschoolers and public-schoolers alike, are neglected by their parents.

The friend my second son made reminds me of myself as a child.

I am proud that my oldest son had the sense not to fall into the boycatcher’s net. Or was it boy collector?”

Happy Yule!

Eat These Words on a Page


I enjoy writing. I especially enjoy writing in my notebooks. I enjoy putting pen and pencil to paper. I have quite a pile of page-filled ramblings of stories, poems and art ideas.

To the small circle of people who follow my writing, thank you for enjoying it. I try to make it as heartfelt as possible, and sometimes it is hard for me to put my heart into words on a digital page. It is even harder to combat the anxiety of opening a part of myself up to the all-consuming web. The web, capturing its prey. Selling its own things and ideas.

Ugh. I’m exhausted.

I recently read the quote, “Allow yourself to shine without the desire to be seen.” I saw this appear on my newsfeed from the “Introverts are Awesome” group. Interesting, isn’t it, that I can say “Newsfeed” without letting you know where this newsfeed is located?

Eat this news.

I fear, circle members, that I may have been eating too much of the feed. I’m becoming a heifer.

I am further ashamed to admit that I have been lead to buying Chinese crap on the “P-U Tee-Moo” app, which constantly berates you with flashy lights and dangling carrots of coupons. You get to gamble on your discount by spinning a digital wheel!

Oh, the shame.

And so, with my guilt hereby released into the ether of internet, I am making an attempt to spend my time wiser, and with one less obtrusive app.

…yet the justifications for why I should continue to feast there loom and circulate.

…the voices of justification, clearly fighting to let the consumer, materialistic ego CONSUME!!!!!

Yes, I should also admit that I also shopped on Black Friday. I got too close to the fire and it certainly burned my money.

Another self-assessment time period has emerged, and hit or miss, I may decide to type more words on a portal of dispersal into the nether.

Perhaps I will have more to share here soon.
Hopefully, it will be a much healthier update.

Thanks for being here.

You’re not alone!

“It is Watching”


“It is watching”

By:  Wendy McCarty

The need to conform and blend and please

The eyes of the planets,

Orbiting scorn,


In the public portal,

Personalities upend.

Societal standards demand your soul to blend.

Anger, upset, a variety of pain

Anxiety, depression, sorrowful, insane.

In the womb of home, where I should be free,

Still, the eyes of judgment are on me.

We want an ANSWER! WHAT IS DYSHIDROTIC ECZEMA???? What is it and why does it happen?


Awhile ago, I started a Facebook Group.  I wanted to see photos of other people’s hands.  I wanted to see if anyone else’s DE looked like mine.  I needed to see if all DE looked alike.  I’ve been creating, manufacturing and studying theories and remedies ever since my hands were borderline un-useable due to DE.  I’ve tried all sorts of things:

The ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) soak


Light Therapy

African Black Soap


No contact with water


Petroleum Jelly

Non-Petroleum Jelly

Allergy testing – Prick Test

Allergy Testing – Blood Test

Blood test for vitamin deficiency

Blood test to check liver function/levels

Free and Clear Detergents


Essential Oils


….and I could go on and on…


The more I try these seeming solutions, the more I realize that it just doesn’t feel right to believe that I can heal this issue with something topical or internal.  I don’t believe there is a magical potion, lotion, salve or ointment.  I’d like to believe that this can be healed using plant medicine.  I really want to believe that, but tonight, I’m just not feeling it.  Tonight, I’m exploring the thought that this might just be a failing body system– but which one?  A sweat gland? An oil gland? A pore? The dermis itself?  Has DE ever been analyzed under a microscope?  If so, WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE IMAGES? I need medical journals.  I need scientific exploration and studies surrounding DE, but I can’t seem to find them…  Why not?  Has this never been done before? I’m thinking quite deeply tonight… want to come along for that ride? If so, follow me below to further ramblings…


Here’s the “About” section for the Facebook group I created, entitled, “Hands that Suffer:  Dyshidrotic Eczema in Photos


About This Group:

Are those itchy blisters a clogged gland? Is the itch caused by excess oil or sweat building up pressure in the gland– which usually fills until it bursts or is scratched open? Is there a topical cure? Are we allergic to water? Do we all have sweaty palms or an undiscovered medical condition? Do we all have allergies? Do we all have Celiac or some other disease? Is our liver or one of our other major organs unhealthy? Is it something we ate? Is it something we touched? Something we breathed? Something we saw or did back in 1980?

Ideas, thoughts, statements and questions like these are welcome here. No theory is wrong. Share what you think, what your experience is, has been, or continues to be. Help those who also suffer. Learn from them. Sympathize with their pain and discomfort. Let them know, they are not alone.


I wrote this “About description” after a group member shared this statement: A Texas dermatologist had told him that “DE is a sweat gland problem.”

This particular member, Tim, had recently shared images of his hands and palms just COVERED in those dreaded itchy, clear blisters.  They weren’t just under the surface either, they were forming mountains and valleys across his hands:

These images really caught my eye, and made me start to wonder…

Me:  “Tim– Did you recently (before this outbreak) have some serious emotional stress in your life happen— something psychologically traumatic?

This is a theory I believe to be my own truth, and I’m wondering if it applies to others.”

Tim: You know…. I feel like I’m pretty stress free. The only thing I stress is DE. I’ve had it on my foot all year and got to where it was just the norm. I noticed 2 weeks ago it was all gone. The next day it was 20°so I had long johns on and here in Texas it goes from 20 to 60 in a matter of 2 hours. I noticed I felt like I was getting a slight rash on the top of my foot and hands. Well it never stopped growing until this got way out of control.
  I’ve lived the free and clear life ( detergent and soaps wise) haven’t changed my diet and for it to go a year I don’t think that is a factor. Now I do remember the first dermatologist tell me that DE was a sweat glad problem and I have noticed that there may be a small amount of truth to that. I am a plumber in the state of Texas so there is definitely some sweating going on in my life and if I think about it …times i wear gloves ( which is on a need to basis due to DE) I notice some irritation. So I think me wearing the long johns then sweating due to the drastic temp change may have onset this episode. Why it took 2 weeks to outbreak my hands I don’t know. I’ve had this rash the whole time. And now the rash is all the way up to my elbows and knees
Sorry for the rambling. I’m lost in my own thoughts. Which I’m sure most people her do with DE

Me:  “Oh yeah, you’re not alone in the process of sharing your thoughts. I have thought this before, too… about the sweat glands. I thought that the little watery clear blisters almost looked like sweat that was trapped under the first layer of skin– almost as if the sweat gland itself was closed or obstructed. Interesting. The fact that an actual dermatologist told you “it was a sweat gland problem” has certainly peaked my interest.  I have been researching and studying DE ever since I recovered from my own debilitating outbreak. I wrote a blog about it. There, I ask a bunch of questions and entertain the theories of all who comment.  Now that you’ve shared that a dermatologist has mentioned the sweat glands, I’m on it. I’m going to look deeper into this theory.  In your case, the theory that sweat has caused this seems highly likely. Sweaty feet, I get. Sweaty hands… do we all have sweaty palms?  Hmmm… the sebaceous gland in this graphic looks an awful lot like what we see under the surface of the skin, doesn’t it? The little fluid filled circles…

We may be on to something here, folks.

Thanks for sharing about the DERMA and the sweat glands, Tim. This is one of the reasons why I created this page… to share photos and experiences to attempt to find a logical “cure” or cause to DE.

I’m so damned excited to study sweat glands, now… LOL!”

Fairly quickly, another woman replied:

“I do NOT have sweaty palms. They are always dry…too dry. I read that doctors used to think that DE was about sweating …. the name actually means bad sweating…. but they no longer believe this to be true.”

To which I wrote:

Me:  “…and you still have the bubbles/blisters under your skin? No sweat, but still blisters. I’m looking at medical images and am focusing in on the sebaceous gland. I wonder if maybe it is not our sweat glands that are malfunctioning, but perhaps the oil glands?

Call me kooky, but I might be right. It always feels good to think you’ve found a solution, doesn’t it?

I’ll just focus in on this for awhile and see what I find. Why not?

So here we are.  I’m blogging again about DE.  I just felt like writing tonight, as it has been a long time since I have done so. I don’t always write full blogs about my research and theories.  Sometimes they are short theories.  I’ll get to looking at images and reading articles and lose interest, or I’ll convince myself that the theory is mute and will move on, awaiting the next theory. This particular theory, however, just feels like it needs to be “out there” — and so, I shall release it into the interweb.

Here’s my official latest theory:

Are those itchy blisters a clogged gland?  Is the itch caused by excess oil or sweat building up pressure in the gland– which usually fills until it bursts or is scratched open? Can our skin just not hold moisture?  Do some oil glands NOT work at all, while others OVERWORK? Do we all just have malfunctioning glands, here, folks?  Is the epidermis slowly dying?  GAH, what is HAPPENING????

The above words may sound like the ramblings of a crazy woman.  Maybe they are.  Maybe you have felt this way too are laughing and breathing a sigh of relief to see that you’re not alone in your multiple, floating theories.

I still feel, deep down beneath the layers of this blemished skin, that there is no topical cure for this disease.  All across the internet, people rave about the miracle soap or a prescription creme, ointment or pill that has “Completely cured them.” We all want to believe that, now don’t we?  We’d all pay exorbitant amounts of money to just make this beast go away, yet it is still here!  Are we all doing what is in our power to sleigh the beast?  Maybe that’s why I share these thoughts here… because I feel a sense of civic duty to share them.  I want others to be doing what I’m doing.  I want to read thoughts and theories from regular, ordinary people like you and I– People who suffer and have a human heart and aren’t just trying to manipulate others into purchasing a miracle product.  I shout out into this internet web, which connects us all:

We want an ANSWER! WHAT IS DYSHIDROTIC ECZEMA???? What is it and why does it happen?

Tell me.  Do you have a long list of failed theories and remedies too? Share them!  Write them!  PUT THEM ON THE INTERNET!  We are all searching, searching, always searching.  We float across the thin red line to cross over to the blue, only to be trapped in the purple.  We moan and cry and hold our hands in agony.

I expect that people with cancer and other, much more serious diseases have felt this way about their own personal prison of pain and failing health.  I certainly am not intentionally downplaying the severity of their sorrows, but as any of you who also have DE know, we are also suffering.  Some of  us want answers and a remedy so bad that we reverting back to creating our own scientific studies.

Tonight, I’ll be combing the internet, as well as our own personal library,  learning about sebaceous glands, ducts, and how they all work. Call me looney, but “This time” it feels like I’m onto something here.  If I’m wrong, then the energy has not been wasted.  There have been so many “this times” in the past, that it could be very simple to just give up and try to live with it.  Tonight, I’m just not feeling that way.  Tomorrow, I may feel hopeless, but tonight, I’m a scientist.





Of Two Worlds: The Empowerment within the Girl with the Plastic Bag

Of Two Worlds: The Empowerment within the Girl with the Plastic Bag

Dandelion Soul Creative

I consider myself to be quite natural. I enjoy walking barefoot upon the earth.  I dig in my garden without gloves.  I don’t wear makeup.  I don’t dye my hair.  I often have un-shaven legs and rarely ‘dress up.’  These things have compiled over the past six years, mostly.  It began with becoming a Mother.  Many mothers know that self care can often take a back seat as we choose to become selfless for our children.  In the center of my journey into motherhood, I began to look deeper into my own human existence.  Children can prompt deep discussions and thoughts like this.  They change you.  They change your body.  They alter your mind.  They make you stronger.  They help you grow.

At first, I was uncomfortable with the transition of becoming, well… counterculture.  Not many women my age (I’m 36) have “let themselves go” quite like I have chosen…

View original post 2,394 more words

Dandelion Soul Creative


Join me over at my new blog!  This blog will contain less *ahem* personal prose and MORE of a positive voice.

A passion for nature and the arts has led me to explore the creative aspects of life that feed my soul and better my health. In a world full of hurdles that challenge a positive focus, I find recluse in photography, gardening, homemade foods and crafts. This blog will share photos and prose surrounding the simple things in life which bring contentment and joy, wellness and support.

I’ll still be spilling my soul here at The Butterchurn from time to time– but as of now, I am focused on this new adventure.


Slow Down your Mind. Be Wild! Put down your “phone”


walking wild tiger

I have gotten so used to solving dilemmas that I have forgotten, at times, how to slow down. One thing that Motherhood has taught me is that it is a necessity for me to spend time alone from time to time. If I don’t take care of myself by being able to do whatever I want uninterrupted for a reasonable amount of time, I start to feel overwhelmed…and at times, a little resentful that I don’t have space when I need it. (I’m working on that)
I have been gifting myself time alone as of late. I NEVER did this for myself before…and I’ll tell you, it almost drove me insane. I find that long, relaxing baths do the trick to slow me down. To make me take care of myself. My body seems at ease in a bath. If I had a stream out in my backyard deep enough to submerge my body in, I’d be out there too.

I choose a different essential oil (therapeutics) each time I bathe. Sometimes I mix scents. The scent, and the knowledge of how each oil is medicinal soothe me. They relax my body. They slow my mind. They have healed my skin tremendously.  I have stopped drinking much alcohol at all. This has helped my skin too. (If you’re wondering why I’m talking so much about the health of my skin, catch up by reading my other blog posts about Dyshidrotic Eczema).

I have been having difficulties with accepting technology lately. I have been feeling like it is becoming an addiction to use a device on a daily basis. I’ll admit that it is mostly my I-Phone which causes this issue. I made a decision to switch from a cell phone with no internet and texting abilities to an I-phone. My husband and I made this leap together. I have had an I-Phone for 6 months. I told myself that I would write an article about the difference in my mind after making the switch. Well, here it is.

The Butterchurn Blog is essentially my journal. I’m allowing you to read my journal, in a sense…because I am typing my direct thoughts here to share with the world. I’m having an online conversation with both you, and myself. I have thought A LOT lately about this online space. Do I really need it? Is it helping anyone? Do I really need to be posting my personal issues onto the internet? The thoughts that came out of my mind as I went through all of the stages of grief over the issues that I have been dealing with over the past year or so… The anger, the pain, the sorrow, the self-loathing, the misery. I’ve written about the depths of my soul here at The Butterchurn. I have been there and back. I was in a very low stage of existence for quite some time. I was healing myself. I did it. I dealt with many of my life’s major issues:

My Father’s Suicide

My Mother’s Abandonment and possible Narcissism (rage issues: emotional abuse)

Those were two big ones that I dealt with during the same time frame. I list them on their own, because I feel they were pretty difficult walls to break through. I am proud of myself for being able to survive the misery they have caused me.

I stopped dying my hair. It is salt and peppered, and crazy cool like the band Salt-N-Peppa. It’s great. I love to see people’s reactions to it. Somehow I find that people see me to be wiser than I am. I have accepted that it makes me look older than I am…but that it is somehow representative of my mind. Sometimes I question it, yes.  Some days I feel old and crone like, yes.  But mostly I embrace it.

Now, be warned…I’m going to say a lot of good things about myself in ‘this here space’ on ye olde’ internet. I want to be very clear that at all times I am constantly checking my own Ego. I was, after all, raised by a Narcissist. (yeah, I brought that back up…still healing, learning and growing…) I do not speak highly of myself here to come from a place of ego…it is more that I am finally coming from a place of self love. Really…think what you will if you think that’s a bad thing. We should all love ourselves. We should all love others. We should not place judgement on others. When we place judgement on others, we should look into ourselves to analyze why what the other person did bothered us…Why did we judge them?


I’ve been doing a lot of self-discovery lately. Lots of psychology going on in my mind. I am feeling my own self worth. I am really getting to know myself, and in doing so, I’m able to be free to be me. Allowing myself to love myself has helped my skin to heal as well.

Anyhow, I’m going to talk about my hair now. My blog. My mind. My thoughts.— MINE!!!!!


So, I’m 34 years old. I have a lot of grey/silver hairs that I let be silver. My hair is representative of my state of mind. My state of mind as of late, has been to be sure to take care of myself and to remember that I’m free to be me. I also see these silver hairs as a trophy of sorts. I have been through some wild life experiences. Some painful ones. My hair has grieved with me. Perhaps that’s the cause. Who knows? Genetics are said to play a part in hair color. Why is it a bad thing for a woman of any age to not dye her hair. I’m not digging this social norm…so yes, my hair is also a statement piece. I refuse to conform to the program. That’s about what it is saying, if it could talk, that is.

bored tiger

I have talked about my hair color for so long to get to this point… “I’m not digging this social norm” could be said about my hair, as well as social media. I have had an Iphone for six months. My phone used to stay in my purse. Most of the time I never heard it ring. People would text me and I wouldn’t see it until hours later. I was untethered. Now, I’m pretty much on a leash. In fact, my I-phone is sitting just to my left, for easy access if needed. I see a problem developing here… How can I be FREE to be ME when I’m tethered to a digital device? This is considered to be a normal thing. This is the social norm I’m talking about. We are tethered to our devices. We use them to take photos, record memories, look at our calendars, listen to music, respond to messages, send messages, research, write, talk to friends, read articles, look at beautiful photos, watch funny videos, make funny videos, record ourselves on video, record our children on video, take photos of our children, take photos of ourselves, take photos of everyone we meet which we have befriended…the “Phone” is not just a phone.  It is a device.  A mini computer.

mr tiger

I mean, I get it. It’s a fun world. It just frightens me a bit, because I’m such a naturalist at times. I prefer to be completely free and untethered and usually outside. I just read a book to our boys entitled “Mr. Tiger Goes Wild” by Peter Brown.  I have already returned the book to the library, so I can’t quote its message exactly…but I’ll do my best to relay to you what I took away from the story.

The book, “Mr. Tiger Goes Wild” is about a tiger who gets tired of walking upright and acting proper and being just like everyone else. Mr. Tiger wants to be free. He knows he is different.  He stops play, playing along… He stops wearing his hat “GASP! But we all wear hats!” He doesn’t care for small talk, so he roars instead “HOW RUDE!”, He stops walking on two legs “That’s not the way it’s done!!” He stops wearing CLOTHES! “ AHHHHHH Gross!!!!” and eventually his friends get tired of seeing how wild he is being, because they are embarrassed by him and his actions.  They tell him to go into the woods and act that way if he wants to, but that he shouldn’t do it in the city. They tell him to go away because he makes them uncomfortable.  He makes them question themselves.



Meanwhile Mr. Tiger goes, naked, into The Nature of the Jungle, that is just outside of the city (and society) where he has spent his life. He gets to do whatever he wants there, outside, with the plants and insects and amphibians and reptiles and other creatures who live there. No one is there to watch him or see him, because all of the other mammals are living in buildings in the city. He goes wild. He swims, he plays, he roars, he chases, he leaps, he sings, he plays…


but he eventually gets lonely and bored and starved for interaction with other mammals.


While Mr. Tiger was away, his friends began to miss him. They started feeling bad that Mr. Tiger, now “Tiger” had left because they told him to. They had been thinking a lot about the way Mr. Tiger had acted. Thankfully Tiger came back to the city. He decided to wear the costume they all wanted him to be in so that they would be comfortable with him and accept him. They welcomed him home, a bit free of their guilt over the way they had treated him.


When Tiger looked around, he could see that things had changed since he had been away…animals were walking around on FOUR LEGS! (Yes! That’s the natural way for animals walk!), People were not wearing HATS! (That’s ok! We don’t all have to).

Overtime, the consciousness of the animals grew collectively. They began to accept each other. Tiger eventually became dude-like, and decided to wear comfortable shorts and a floral, fun shirt. He was really loving life.

the dude

I hope that our Human Animal Society can take a clue from Mr. Tiger and his friends. The collective minds of the people of the United States (which is the society that I’m a part of) is indeed growing. Our Nation has voted to accept homosexuality. We, the people have begun to stand up (again) against racists. We are becoming accepting of all colors of skin and all nationalities. We grow and learn together, as a nation.  I can only hope that we may learn to treat each other with more respect to our differences.

Sometimes (Okay…OFTEN) I dream about being like Mr. Tiger. I dream of going into nature, away from others to be free of the expected societal norms. To be different. To be the change. Being free of technology is a part of this change I’m talking about. I don’t know if I want to have an I-phone any longer, sometimes. Then I realize that it is essentially a mini lap top that I’m traveling with. It helps guide me around, it answers my questions…and I interact with my co-workers through it. So…I feel as if I’m trapped to this side of things when it comes to the quest to be free. How can I be free if I have to be tethered to this device. How could I make money, friends and a difference in my society without it? It seems to be an important tool for our generation. Especially for the entrepreneurs out there… the dreamers. I suppose I have had to accept the fact that technological change has benefited me in many ways. Without the I-phone, I would probably not be as successful as I seem to be becoming in my life.

Since I’ve had this device, I’ve become a business woman. I now have a series of jobs. I write articles, conduct interviews and produce photo and video for The 29349 Inman Times Online. I am a freelance photographer for The Spartanburg Herald Journal. I often use my device to help me on the job. It has become my tool.

The problem with owning this device has become the addicting world of Facebook, but I’ll save that topic of conversation for another blog. I have vowed to myself that I am going to write more. I have been writing a lot, actually…but not here. I’ve been putting pen to paper. I can write much faster here, so chances are I’ll be back soon. I’ll be writing, somewhere… either online or in the old fashioned, natural way.

Thanks for being here. Please leave a comment about how this ‘article’ made you feel. What did it make you think about? I’d appreciate your input. I’m going to be writing more articles, because that’s part of what I’m paid to do now. This is good. I believe that writing more will be good for my soul.  Maybe I’ll write more outside…happy tiger


not perfectly fine



A Kind Hello!


I wanted to share a kind hello to all of you who continue to comment on my blog. One of my posts has had a tremendous response, and I’m really encouraged to see that the comments are all positive in nature, and that everyone is joining together to help each other.

I never imagined that my words could create such a helpful approach to healing. It soothes me, somehow, to know that there are others out there who share in my pain, agony and frustration in living with THE BEAST that is Dyshidrotic Eczema. The seldom talked about, disconnection from the world. The plug?

I am unable to use my fingers when a bad flare up occurs from within. This year’s affliction, thankfully, has not been so terrible. I am all gloved up and able to write, and I am hopeful that I’m on the quick track to healing.  Here’s to you, fellow sufferers, fellow commenters of the blog, Dyshidrotic Eczema: A Malady of Concerning Cause and Effect.  You are not alone.

Thanks for following me on my journey. I hope your being here will help you to remember that you are not alone. There is a support system out there. I am happy to see a slow evolution of the online community forming thanks to the internet. The internet, whom I do tend to diss because I’m a technological grouch at times 😉

I’d like for all of you DE sufferers to consider joining us over at the Facebook group, “Dyshidrotic Eczema (The Group):

I’ve been posting polls over there, mostly in “Yes” or “No” format,  and I would greatly value your support and input in answering some questions from the “Sleuth Scientist” that I’ve dubbed myself over there, in the DE corner of internet land.  I’m working on a new post, slowly, and plan to use the answers in a future blog.  If you join the group, please post to the wall that you’re “Here via The Butterchurn Blog” so that I’ll be able to spot you when you arrive, and give you a virtual hello! 🙂

Thanks for being here in my little blog’s personal spot on the internet. 🙂